Plasma Skin Tightening (aka: Fibroblast) is the specialist skin tightening treatment making waves due to the number of Celebrities having and loving this treatment! Its swept across America and landed here in the UK where it is becoming equally as popular due to the amazing benefits and years it takes off your skin!
What is it?
Plasma Skin Tightening is an incredibly effective and revolutionary non-surgical and non-invasive treatment which will work on almost any problem area you may have on your body by lifting, tightening, shrinking and smoothing out excess skin and lines or wrinkles.
This treatment is especially popular for the procedure known as a non-surgical eye-lift or Blepharoplasty. A single session of Plasma will instantly tighten saggy eyelids (see main photo) and reduce the appearance of crow’s-feet, taking years off your whole face. But you don't have to stop there because you can have a full 3-part facelift with Plasma Skin Tightening!
It is a fabulous alternative to traditional surgery, botox and filler treatments!
Plasma Skin Tightening not only treats sagging skin, lines and wrinkles on the face, it can treat almost any part of the body. Some of the more common body areas include loose skin on the tummy, breasts, knees, chest, inner and outer thighs.
This treatment is so good you can have a full facelift without the need for invasive surgery!
But the benefits don't stop there - this revolutionary treatment can remove skin tags, pigmentation, stretch marks and acne scarring with great results after just one treatment!
The Science Part
Plasma fibroblast targets fibroblasts. These are collagen
and protein-producing cells in the dermis - the layer of skin just below your outermost skin layer.
Fibroblasts play an important role in helping skin wounds heal as well as maintaining skin firmness and tightness.
Plasma fibroblast uses a pen-like device that emits a high-frequency electric current to small areas of the skin.
The plasma tip doesn’t directly touch the skin, but instead releases a targeted current just above the skin. The hot current creates small holes, or micro-injuries, in the skin’s layer breaking down proteins, stimulating collagen renewal and tissue regeneration while causing the tissues to contract thus tightening the skin.
What to Expect? Is it painful?
Firstly you would have a consultation and we will discuss thoroughly your concerns, areas of treatment, if it is suitable for you and I will answer any questions you may have.
I will apply numbing cream to the area I am working on before we begin the treatment. Plasma is mildly to moderately uncomfortable with some people requiring no numbing cream however everyone’s pain level is different and some areas of the body are more sensitive than others.
Numbing cream helps to reduce any discomfort.
Treatment doesn't take long depending on the size of the area being treated. If you are having a large area such as a full facelift I recommend doing this is 3- stages so as not to cause too much trauma to your face all at once.
You can expect some redness and swelling initially after treatment and you will see small carbon crusts form on the skin, resembling dots, which will fall off in the coming days to reveal regenerated skin. It is important you allow these to fall naturally, if you scratch or pick at them you are not allowing the skin to regenerate correctly underneath and can damage the healing process.
I recommend having this treatment when you have no special occasions or events as there is a few days of downtime required which will vary depending on your skin type and age. If you are not bothered by the carbon crusts then you are perfectly ok to go about your business as usual!
While you will see an instant tightening effect, the results are gradual and the best results will show between 4-6 weeks.
Often 1 treatment is enough to achieve the desired results however natural factors such as age, amount of excess skin to tighten, general health of the skin or if you want to see a stronger result may ,mean a second treatment is necessary. This can be performed 12 weeks after the first procedure.
On occasions a third treatment may be necessary and packages are available should you require further treatments, this can be discussed at your consultation.
Once you have fully healed the results dramatic and they will last years!
So if you have always wanted surgery in a problem area but never wanted the trauma associated with it, then Plasma Skin Tightening (Fibroblast) is the revolutionary way forward without the pain, high cost, long recovery and without a scalpel in sight!
Due to the high level of pigmentation in Asian and Black skin, this treatment is not suitable as it could potentially cause visible pigmentation on the skin surface.
I you are in any doubt please contact me and I can give you a patch test.
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